About Me

Hi, I'm Carrie and my story has several parts…a before…an after…a before again…and soon another after!
Before, around 2010:
After having 2 kids within 15 months (in 2007 and 2008) I found myself tired, overweight, feeling yucky, and unhappy. Then in 2010 I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and put on medication. I was beginning to realize that I wasn’t going to be able to take care of my family if I was unhealthy. I began some of my usual weight loss diets thinking my only problem was my excess weight. After a few years of banging my head against the wall because my old tricks at weight loss were not working I needed to re-think my health. I gave up on the idea that I would be slim and trim and focused more on becoming healthy. Even if I couldn’t have the body size I wanted I was determined to be healthy. This mental focus switch really helped me make some serious progress.
 This is me in my classroom. I'm a teacher and we are doing an activity with a Barbie doll...in case you were wondering! And on the beach in Florida.

On the beach in Florida 2010

In my classroom 2010

After, around 2012:
I began seeing a personal trainer and she led me down a fitness path I was able to maintain. I began walking, which lead to spinning, which lead to running (and a half marathon race), along with resistance training. I started slowly because exercise wasn’t my “thing.”
My trainer also introduced me to a clean eating lifestyle. She recommended a few books, one which funny enough my mother had already bought me a year before and it was sitting on my shelf collecting dust. I pulled it out and began my journey back to health.
I followed the clean eating lifestyle, started making new recipes, and before I knew it I was down 75 pounds … and no longer a diabetic!
with my trainer

nothing like keeping up with 2 kids!

I am not a chef, actually quiet far from it, and before starting on this journey my kitchen highlights were boiling water to make pasta and throwing frozen chicken fingers in the oven. My favorite meal was cereal and milk and there was no such thing as an opened bag of chips in my pantry…if you know what I mean! I didn’t know what quinoa was or where to buy kale (was that a fish?). When I think about what I can do in the kitchen now, just a few short years later, it really surprises me.
I started simple by making smoothies, everyone can do that right? Smoothies became a staple for me. Whether I was busy or had time to prep smoothies were always part of my plan. I love smoothies. It was an easy way to get loads of great nutrition into a small package. I love the taste so much I looked forward to trying new recipes.
 I found eating clean a lifestyle not a “weight loss diet” and it was easy to maintain. After losing a significant amount of weight and beginning to feel better I began reading, taking courses, and absorbing as much information about nutrition, health, and well-being as I could.

I transferred this knowledge to my family and our pantry and fridge look very different now. My kids ask for apples for dessert and eat homemade bread and granola. Healthy foods are enjoyed for every meal and they get excited to tell me they ate their veggies at school for lunch. For treats I make healthy versions of cupcakes, brownies, and cookies, and put things like homemade fruit roll ups and sweet potato chocolate chip banana bread in their lunches.
 I ran my first half marathon in October 2012.

My hobby of nutrition went from reading books and blogs to taking nutrition courses and becoming certified as a Culinary Nutrition Expert. Check that course out here, it rocks:

In my post “Really, what do I know?” you can read about all the other courses I took.

Before again, currently 2015:
A few years after I managed to get my health and wellness back on track I had a major slip up. I fell apart a bit and couldn’t manage to keep up the lifestyle I created. It was partly due to a personal disappointment I experienced but mostly because of me. I stopped exercising, started eating foods I hadn’t eaten in years and this snowballed for me…completely out of control.
Over two years I quickly gained all of my weight back and all of my health issues came back also. Headaches, fatigue, diabetes, body aches and pains, joint pain, back pain, you name it. I feel old and like I’m falling apart…well because I am!
My brother's wedding Feb 2015

I’m here today to get back on track. To find that place I was in just a few short years ago. I know I can do it, because I did it, and I still know how great it feels. I also know just how easy it is to fall apart, so I’m hoping to do a few things different this time.
July 2015

I want this blog to be a place for me to keep track of what I do, see my success, and maybe encourage others to do the same. I also wanted this to be a place for me to remember how much I loved eating clean and how great it makes me feel.

 This is me summer of 2015. I'm hoping to go back to the Toronto Blue Jays game in the summer next year 2016 and retake this picture family picture with a much better result...can't wait!
at the game August 2015

Read through my days and maybe join in with me. I’m planning to start on September 7, 2015. I’m doing my prep and getting ready. I’m going on a vacation with my family right before I start but my head is in the game…I can do this.
After again, in the future…because I know it will happen.
I enjoy coaching and teaching people realistic easy solutions to finding better health. Whether that is weight loss, healing from disease, or just feeling better. I am living proof that making small changes to your nutrition can bring about huge changes in your overall well-being. It’s time to prove this to myself and teach myself what I’ve learned.

Thank you for stopping by! My goal is to help people make the changes they want to make a little easier and more enjoyable. I am not a chef, dietitian, or medical doctor but I have spent a lot of time on the subject of nutrition and I would like to share that with you. I know that my certifications, knowledge, and experience will be just what you need to make a difference in your life…now let’s get started!

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